Hola amigos.
Con gusto comparto a ustedes el informe oficial del pasado 2008 All Arizona Messier Marathon, organizado en USA (Arizona City, AZ, ) por la SAC (Sahuaro Astronomy Club de Phoenix, Az).
De acuerdo a estos resultados he obtenido el Primer Lugar con 109 objetos observados (solo perdi M74)¡¡¡¡
Fueron 51 reportes entregados al terminar dicho Maraton.
a continuacion anexo informe y pagina:
Informe en Ingles:
The 2008 All Arizona Messier Marathon, sponsored again by the Saguaro Astronomy Club (SAC) (for the 14th time), was held in the night of the weekend of April 5/6, 2008 at the site south of Arizona City. 51 participants have turned in their results. This time, it turned out that one observer, Dr. S. Aguirre of the Sociedad Astronomica de Sonora Carl Sagan, Mexico, landed in the first place by observing 109 Messier objects, missing only M74 in the evening, three observers/teams (Jeff and Julie Trogan, Ken Shaver, and George Robinson) found 108 - missing M74 and M77 or M74 and M33, repectively, and 13 observers got the third place with 107 - missing M74, M77 and M33. Moreover, 11 observers found 106 objects, and 9 more saw at least 100. A.J. Crayon has provided the detailed 2008 All Arizona Messier Marathon results list, thanks! """"
Paginas del resultado:
num 1:
num 2:
Pues ya tengo mi placa para mi Telescopio "RENE" (nombre de mi Nieto)..
saludos y cielos claros a todos.
dr s aguirre
Soc. Astronomica de Sonora Carl Sagan.